
The company’s mission is to solve the problems of the ‘hybrid studio’ by leveraging the best of both worlds: seamless integration of analog and digital equipment’s strengths and eliminating their weaknesses. Since product designer Chris Muth’s time has been spent almost exclusively designing custom equipment for many of the world’s preeminent mastering engineers and facilities, the combination of a mastering quality audio path with an intuitive feature set became the company’s baseline. It is worth noting that these designs evolved not in a vacuum but with input from some of the best ears in the business, refined in a working mastering environment instead of on paper. In the end, listening makes all the difference.

Born out of the shop at Dangerous Music recording studios, the equipment company was officially founded in 2001 with the commercial release of the Dangerous 2-Bus analog summing amplifier. Dangerous Music product designs were created to answer the sonic and ergonomic challenges presented by the changing studio environment as it moved from analog consoles and analog multi-track tape recorders to hard-disk recording and software-based digital mixer/editors, collectively known as digital audio workstations, or DAWs.

The process of recording and mixing without an analog console or tape deck created the opportunity to develop products that allowed engineers to embrace all the power and convenience of a DAWs automation, editing and recall, while continuing to work as they had, with console-style tone and headroom, hardware monitor control, metering, speaker and input source switching, and the ability to insert analog processors into the signal path easily and with the highest quality results.


    • $125$39.99
    • Dangerous Music
    • BAX EQ
    • ★★★★★
    • A smooth-sounding Baxandall EQ with world-class 1950s tone control and character. Use it to transparently enhance the low end and top end of your mixes.
      • Hardware Emulations
      • M/S Inside
      • Made by BX
      • Mastering
      • Sale

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Recent Reviews

  • Jody Wisternoff

    Jody Wisternoff

    DJ, Producer (Way Out West)

    Dangerous BAX just sounds really bloody great to me!! Extremely straight forward, musical EQ  - about as non surgical as they come . Gonna be using this liberally, I have a feeling..

  • Toby Pitman

    Toby Pitman

    Paul McCartney, David Arnold, Sonos

    Need some icing on your mix cake? This'll do it!

  • Thomas Gold

    Thomas Gold

    Producer/DJ (Armada, Axtone, Protocol, Revealed)

    I LOVE this plugin! I own the outboard BAX EQ, compared to the plugin there is literally no difference! It’s just an awesome tool to shape single tracks and full mixes. Adding shimmer and punchy low end is super easy. I’m using the plugin in all of my productions now. To me this is a no-brainer!