Customer Reviews

  • As the saying goes,

    by NTB
    if it sounds good, it is good. And this sounds really good.
  • Oberhousen

    by element4audio
    Nice vintage feel. I like this sound, like a classic synth on your computer
  • BOOM....

    by RFW
    No words... just ridiculously authentic juicy tones of freaking DOOM! Fatter, wider, down right vicious beast! Extensive features to edit and polish out patches to taste. Originally this instrument was basically completely cost prohibitive unless you were wealthy or in the pro mix... so to be able to access its greatness fro a fraction of the cost...? Kind of a dream come true.
  • need another skin

    by Dan
    Love everything about the sound of this synth. Small feature request: UI is good, but nowadays most of the DAWs and plugins have night mode or dark skin. The interface of this synthesizer dazzles like a flashlight in the face if all the rest of the software is turned on in night mode. This is very uncomfortable. Please add the ability to switch to dark skin. Even in Massive X they added this feature after a failed release.
  • Love the Oberhausen

    by Eddie Torres
    Being able to dial in your sounds with the Oberhausen simply has been key to my work flow on some of the TV shows Ive written for. The quality of sound coming out of this is fantastic! Love it!
  • This has the OB sound!

    by ladewd
    I was an Oberheim user back in the ‘70’s. I had an original Two Voice, then bought an OBX. This plugin almost perfectly captures the vibe and sound of Oberheims from that era. The beauty of the OBX was that each voice had a subtle difference, especially the filter cutoff. With TMT, this plugin emulates that character. This is one of the more inspiring virtual instrument that I own.
    Plugin Alliance response
    Thank you!
  • An unexpected bonus

    by Kenny
    I signed up for some other plugins with the Mega Bundle and downloaded this to try out. There's some cracking sounds and great features with this synth. Perfect for my trance productions. I'll definitely be using this lots in the coming months.
  • Bx_Oberhausen Thoughts/Review

    by Antifluff
    (These were my first thoughts after I purchased the Bx_Oberhausen, on 5/1/19. I wanted to note my immediate reactions to this Synth, to pass along my excitement and inspiration from such an amazing virtual instrument; but, waited to post to see if I still felt the same after some time passed...)
    I was Blown Away! by the sound of the presets; the Fat-ness, Richness, Warmth, Resonance, Huge-ness… As an owner of a Roland Jupiter -8 and other vintage analog synths I have an appreciation for the incredible sound that came out of this Plugin, it’s just amazing how good it’s gotten at this point as far as modeling technology etc. There are enough great presets that even if you don’t tweak analog synth’s you have a lot to work with here. I could notice initially thru my iPhone speakers that this synth was different & fat with it’s own authentic sound. But when I demo’d it on my monitors, I was amazed. As one basic example of the typical types of sounds these Synth’s do so well, I doubt there is a better “Square Lead” that I’ve ever heard, on anything… Other examples expected to shine with this type synth are the Pads, Strings, Pulsing Arpeggiated stuff, Synth Brass, Sound Effects, they are all great & authentic; can’t give anything but praise & I’m sure we will all hear these presets on productions once it gets our there. I would suggest tho, that you could liven up the graphics (color separation maybe) of the GUI, even though it’s good that upon it’s initial release the looks of the thing are totally understated with respect to what comes out of the plugin. Very inspiring and that’s what it’s all about, if you can do that, you know you’ve done something special, Great Work! ...and another thought, I bypassed the effects on some of the sounds and they definitely add a LOT to the overall sound of the presets; some quality effects in the signal chain for sure. I also appreciated that the Oberhausen has an easy to use “favorites” to easily log your sounds as you go thru the presets. Simple but important feature.
    -As an aside I wanted to mention that regarding your TMT modeling technology that you have developed, for me, it all came together impression wise with the Bx_Console N. That is a GREAT plugin. You can always tell a good plugin as soon as you put it in the signal path, it just sounds good.
    And before console N, none of the SSL plugin’s caught my ear, then you pulled those and re-did them with SSL endorsements (and added new?) TMT to those and I now own them both. They now sound Great and both add different flavors. Still tho, if on an island and had to pick one of those 3, for sure the Console N.
    Has 2 be a very special Neve Console.
    -Welcome to America Sir Dirk! Wish you much continued success. And I think it’s a great idea to further explore the virtual synth domain with your company's engineering expertise's. I am sure you will have wide acceptance with bx_Oberhausen as it is discovered.
    - From the Deep South Bayou Country of Alligators and Mosquitoes!
  • A blast to play with and a true-to-life "analog" sound. FX are not as good as they could be.

    by In-Stereo
    This is not the most flexible synth you can buy, but that's not the point -- it sounds like the real deal and has really great character. I love using it because of its simplicity and outstanding sound, plus a few of the extra goodies they've added like the m/s thing and widening controls. Really fun stuff for this simple yet amazing synth classic.
    Why four stars? The FX section is a great idea with some solid things that also needs some help:
    > Metal 666 is nice for what it is but it sucks out a lot of the sub-low end out so I rarely want to use it for many types of sounds, and since there's no mix knob we're stuck with that. Better would be a saturation/distortion unit with different characteristics and a mix knob -- wouldn't need more than a few knobs and a few switches. This would vastly improve the capabilities of this synth without needing to pile on another plugin just to get a nice rich saturation that doesn't kill your sub low end. BX has lots of great saturation plugins they could use as a basis.
    > The Reverb is only "meh" sounding to me, could be much better-sounding and more flexible sonically.
  • Love this thing!

    by Stephen Bentley
    This synth has so much great character (in the best sense) when TMT is switched on. For the first time in a plugin it 100% feels like I'm playing an analogue synth. I also own Omnisphere, which comes very close, and also Diva nearly gets there when 4x oversampled (using Metaplugin), but still, no other soft synth I've tried manages to sound this real.