Customer Reviews

  • the SHMC Class A is bonkers

    by Tiki Horea
    This plugin sounds so good. It's a very versatile compressor.
    It's easy on your CPU, despite it being a mastering compressor.
    You get great sounds with little effort.
    If you used the hardware version, you already know it's a beast.
  • SHMC Class A Mastering Compressor

    by Neil Wilkes
    Just when you thought that the whole subject of Mastering Compressors was a done deal, what with the UAD Neve 33609 & API 2500 and the UAD & Native versions of the original SHMC.
    Then we get this one out of nowhere which has all the goodness of the original plus a whole section that simply isn't there on the hardware version like the unique TMT plus other things making this eminently suitable for vinyl work as well like the Mono Maker, Parallel Mix Control, Headroom variability, M/S and more.
    This is still a beast, and with so many options can seem overwhelming at first but it really does pay those who persevere with it and learn how to use it - the learning curve is worth the effort in the end and these days I am finding it is my absolute "go to" mastering compressor and I will only swap it out on those extremely rare tracks that for some reason don't seem to respond well and they are very few indeed.
    This is the magic box you have been looking for all your life - so what are you waiting for? Buy it today!
    Plugin Alliance response
    Thanks for the detailed review!
  • Shadow Hills Class A Mastering Compressor

    by Eddie Torres
    Another level! Having the Shadow Mastering plugin added to my tv/film/productions projects has taken my mixes to another higher level. Wow!!
  • Brilliant for so many applications

    by Vanryne Audio
    I've been using the UAD version of this plugin for some years it's one of my favourite mastering processors to-go. This latest native incarnation from Brainworx/Plugin Alliance is different and better for many reasons.
    Apart from the obvious enhancements with the Limited Edition VCA emulations, the additional features of the 'retractable' Extra Unit, gives so much more practical applications of this plugin than the UAD version.
    I've been using it to tame lead and backing vocals, as well as side-chaining across synth/keys tracks.
    The M/S option is great and the Parallel/Mix control is a godsend.
    Of course it's still a wonderful Mastering Compressor with a real character of it's own, Brainworx have done a really brilliant job.
    Buy it, yank it, crank it, enjoy it ! 8)
    Plugin Alliance response
    Thank you so much!
  • AWESOME!!!

    by George Ware
    I added this to the last stage of my mastering stage and it gave me so much more attitude and in your face feel. I'm not going to name the other product that I was using because it is truly great product but Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor was the spice missing from the soup!
  • Bigger. Better.

    The Class A version of the Shadow Hills Master Compressor is a true improvement. First of all it sounds fuller, punchier, more defined.
    Second it offers an additional panel full of useful controls to shape the sound even more precisely and have more control over the dynamics and coloration, with the headroom control and TMT feature.
    Last but not least, the scalable interface is a nice addition, especially with modern screen/resolutions.
    So, it's a big YES!
    Plugin Alliance response
    What are we missing for the 5th star then? ;-)
  • Takes SHMC to a whole new level

    by Tristan
    Super musical compression, really excited to have this my toolkit. Thanks PA :)
  • Shadow Hills Class A Mastering Compressor

    by Studio-600-Krischan
    useful additions to the original version. used the original on UAD for a long time on my mixbus, the additions made me switch to thisd baby. brilliant and brilliance.