Customer Reviews

  • Free Ranger is no stranger!

    by Maniou
    This EQ sounds very professional already, that's why I upgraded to "EQ Ranger Plus".
  • Free!

    by cabanasbeats
    Can’t beat free & it sounds awesome. I’d like to get the full version.
  • Very nice...

    by 77Stratman
    Not too shabby for a free simple EQ...
  • Free Ranger goes arrow

    by Little Cloud
    this is the EQ worlds Arrow just is rediculously handy for no time wasting mixes...Everything in one place..I love it and use it ALL THE TIME.
  • EQ Ranger

    by GV
    Have this and the full version. Almost impossible to make the sound worse. Even adding mid-range sounds good. The low end is especially impressive. It's a little complicated to use though. I wish all the frequencies were available in one screen, instead of choosing "ranges".
  • Yes

    by EA
    Great stuff
  • Nice free plugin

    by Edward Selberie
    This is a free plugin. You don't get all the frequencies. The available frequencies sound very nice. I use it mostly on guitars together with other complementary EQ's.
    Great job bx.
  • Free Ranger

    by JH Studio
    You can't beat the price. Makes me want it's big brother with all the great presets.
  • Free Ranger EQ

    by tomb
    works well for what it does, not very flexible, sounds good in it's range, the price is right.
  • The 4-band version just isn't worth having

    by VonS
    I bet the FULL version of this would be a handy little graphic ... but the 4-band free version I have falls well below the level of even the stock EQ's in the most modest DAWs.