Industry Reviews

  • bx_XL V3

    Ralf Hildenbeutel

    Producer / Artist / Musician

    Fantastic mastering tool and so easy to go, have been fan of V2 already, but V3 goes next level sound-wise. Really warm and nice bottom. Widening the mix via the side-level sounds beautifully natural. Last not least really proper leveling without any sound compromising.

  • bx_XL V3

    Dani G.

    Mixing Engineer / Producer / Songwriter (Steve Vai, Monica Naranjo, Rhapsody)

    All the loudness I've dreamt about is reachable with the bx_XL V3 without any compromise of loosing quality, including tons of extra features for both mastering and mixing. Now it has become a must in my master chain.

    I've used it with rock, classical, pop, metal, folk... and it's just amazing how it preserves my mixes, or how I can control their dimension with a few movements.

  • bx_XL V3

    Peter Riese

    Singer / Songwriter / Music Producer (Blue Weaver, Volkswagen, Henkel)

    Wow. The new bx_XL V3 is a really good weapon for making the mix loud and clean. If you want your mix to sound competitive, this thing is your tool! Now it has a wonderful new interface that is up to date and much easier to read! Looks fabulous!

    Another nice feature is the better balance and correlation monitor. Everything is close together and gives a really good overview. As with the V2, I like that the Monomaker can cover the entire frequency spectrum. A nice feature that I have rarely seen elsewhere.

    This tool has found its way into my updated mastering chain. A really big hit!