What is the new "BX Mastering Studio" subscription plan?
The BX Mastering Studio subscription is based upon the new Brainworx Style Creator mastering application that runs stand-alone on your Mac. And yes, a PC version is coming soon! Style Creator is capable of mastering a whole album or compilation in 2-3 minutes, while giving YOU full control over the sound and style of your masters. Style Creator introduces BX's new computer-guided algorithmic approach to high-end audio-mastering!
Style Creator offers all 8 styles from www.mastering.studio, which you can use for unlimited numbers of masters, and you can even create your own mastering styles - hence the name.
The BX Style Creator App comes bundled with the bx_meter plugin, to give you an easy-to-use but professional tool to check your masters in the Mastering DAW of your choice.
With BX Style Creator you can master multiple tracks or even complete albums in one go! Brainworx tested up to 1,056 songs in one mastering session! And you'll always get great sounding masters for each track, within seconds.
Style Creator features award-winning Brainworx algorithms, patented TMT & proprietary Brainworx M/S technology, paired with a newly developed algorithmic mastering technology. Finally, an automated and computer-assisted mastering that sounds natural and great - while being faster than anything out there!
The BX Mastering Studio bundle license can be used on up to 3 machines simultaneously, and you don’t need a USB dongle or permanent internet access to use our plugins and/or apps.
BX Mastering Studio Bundle - This is the yearly plan
Subscribe to BX Mastering Studio now, and get access to a variety of great-sounding mastering styles that you can dial in within seconds. Or create your own styles! Create dozens of masters in minutes and compare the various styles to pick your favorites easily.
Don't like yearly subscription plans?
There is a Monthly Plan as well, available for just $24.99/mo!
Or just use the online solution and pay per song at www.mastering.studio!
Cancel any time
If you want to cancel your annual plan for any reason, just do it anytime from your PA account, no questions asked. Whatever time is left on your already prepaid yearly plan can still be used up, of course.
All our monthly and yearly bundles will auto-renew every month or every year. This means you will be charged automatically until you cancel (which you can do anytime, of course), and your licenses will be renewed automatically every month or every year as well (depending on your specific plan).
Download & Installer
Brainworx BX Style Creator can simply be downloaded via the Installation Manager (see below). BX Style Creator will be downloaded to the Application folder on your Mac. From there you can start it like any other desktop application.