

Add analog warmth and punch to your mixes
The Lindell Audio 6X-500 is a mono transformer-coupled preamplifier and passive two-band boost-only EQ. Its all-discrete design is based upon Lindell’s hybrid amplifier, providing smooth gain, creamy color, and heavy punch. Experiment with running vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, and overhead recordings through the 6X-500.

Clean up tracks
With a low-pass filter, high-pass filter, and the ability to boost high and low frequencies, the Lindell 6X-500 helps you sculpt the tone of recordings. Use it to add clarity to basses, reduce the harshness of hi-hats and guitars, as well as make vocals cut through your mix. By adjusting the slope of the low-pass and high-pass filters, it's possible to carefully remove undesirable sounds like low-end rumble without affecting midrange content.

A Faithful emulation with extra features
The 6X-500 plugin is a faithful emulation of the original hardware with a few extra features like optional high- and low-pass filters. Lindell's hardware unit contains a Pultec-style equalizer so you can expect the same type of musical processing from the 6X-500 plugin. There's also an Analog button that activates analog emulation elements like output transformer saturation, noise, and power supply unit hum.

Download the full function 14-Day demo today to hear this remarkable plugin for yourself.

If you own this plugin you can get the Lindell Channel X plugin for just $99. You can purchase it anytime in your MyAccount page.


  • Faithful emulation of the colorful Lindell hardware preamp/EQ.

  • The preamp component models Lindell’s all-discrete hybrid amplifier design.

  • A two-band EQ lets you add gain and punch at selected frequencies.

  • Separate high- and low-pass filters, each with five selectable slopes.

  • An analog circuit that allows you to add transformer saturation and other analog characteristics to your signal.

Audio Examples

Industry Reviews

  • Dylan “3-D” Dresdow

    Dylan “3-D” Dresdow

    Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Usher, David Guetta, FloRida

    From the twacky knock of the compressor, to the schweet top end on the eq, you’ll be hard pressed to find tools in this price range that will expand your toolbox as much as these… Read More

Customer Reviews

  • 素晴らしい

    by ナルト
  • Beautiful analogue warmth, but needs A/B and Bypass

    by Industrial Strength Disco
    The only thing missing on this plugin is the A/B functionality, and Bypass switch, that is present in many of Plugin Alliance's units. If it had those two essential functions, I would give this… Read More

    by Woodboy
    Beautiful FILTERS in this unit.
    sweep, sweep sweep...
    Great Job BX
  • Me encanta el color de este preamp!

    by JuanM
    Dulce, cremoso y sirve bien para realzar el sonido del micro con el que se graba. Probé este preamp en una pista de arpa llanera y ayuda mucho a realzar de forma bonita el brillo de los agudos.… Read More
  • 6X-500

    by Fergus
    Kick drum gold


Supported Plugin Formats
AAX Native, AU, VST2, VST3

Supported Operating Systems
macOS 14 down to macOS 11
Windows 11 down to Windows 10

Intel or Apple Silicon architecture

x64-compatible CPU

System Requirements
Display resolution: 1440 × 900px or 1280 × 960px or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM




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