Customer Reviews

  • Beautiful vintage vibe

    by Adrian S
    Like any other Lindell stuff, it sounds great. The preamp can give you that nice coloration that you might be looking for. The dynamics section is really powerful and easy to manage to get what you want, specially thanks to the side chain filters and the wet/dry pots. The EQ really has that ‘silk‘ that they say. However, you will probably need to insert some extra EQs in your track to get your final tone.
  • A good amount "weight"

    by Vern
    I have had this for a while now and have run it through it's paces. While it's not my absolute favorite channel strip plugin; this could really be your one DAW channel strip. The EQ is quite nice and silky-sounding overall and very usable. I think where this plugin shines is in the preamp drive however. I really do get the impression of an actual console signal chain sound when using this plugin over a number of tracks. I hear that this plugin does add some "weight" to a track just like typical Neve of this era would as well. This is not a "clean" channel strip, and I'm glad it is not. Very useful and quite well thought out for all the parameters that are included. The buss feature is especially nice and will also add that console "weight" or harmonic distortion if you want to call it that to your signal chain. Really liking this one.
  • Best channel strip ever

    by SerStickman
    I've never used a real Neve console in my life. I cannot validate the quality of this emulation.
    I can tell you it sounds AMAZING!!! Both EQ's I find easy to use & incredibly musical. The compressor makes everything I hear run through it sound so much if the rough edges have all be removed & all that's left is what you want to hear. The pre-amp is pure gold when used with the unity gain switch. The 80 bus goes onto all my bus channels & glues the mix together in a pleasing-2-my-ear kind of way.
    Perfect for vocals, guitars, instruments & any damn thing you can make a sound with, imo!
  • Amazing! Finally i found my neve-style plugin!

    by volker
    Since i am not a UAD-user, i searched a long time for a nice neve-style channel strip.
    I tried the waves vintage series, noiseash need and even the bx_console N, but i think i finally found it with the lindell 80.
    For me, the advantage of the lindell 80 series over the others is the very intuitive and nice GUI (this is where the bx_console lacks), the smooth and warm lows and highs (this is where noiseash lacks) and a good portion of analog vibe beeing not to sterile (this is where waves veq lacks). The integrated parallel compressor makes it also very versatile. Honestly i dont use the gate that often, but i like to have it just in case ...
    TMT is a nice benefit and teases me to use the lindell 80 channel and bus as much as i can. The marketing and development team definately did their job binding me to a plugin :D
    There is just one thing, i would really vote for even if it's not true to hardware:
    A second midband EQ.
    I tend to need it quite often to tweak the sound a little bit more. Of course i can use another plugin for that, but wouldnt it be great to have it all in a lindell 80's box???
    So please lindellaudio, add just a clone of the midband EQ and it would be a swiss army knife!
  • Fantastic Plugin

    by Just Another Peasant
    This Console Emulation is true to form in every single way. If you want authentic console saturation this has it in bucket loads for days on end! And all of this with a fantastic Re sizable GUI to boot. Brainworx Plugins absolutely blow the competition away!
  • "The" channel strip I go for every single channel

    by MK
    80 series consoles are famous for their transformer character, and Lindell really emulated it well! The basic coloration and saturation it gives when I just put the channel in the whole channel strip with disengaging the compressor, just make me satisfied already.
    1073 EQ is always my go-to EQ. From it's powerful midrange control and smooth high, I can go extreme without being harsh.
    The compressor section, which is upgraded version of 2254, also gives nice buttery color and smooth compression.
    The gate section is 100% original I believe, but still it is really good when I'm dealing with each drum parts.
    Finally, the 80 Series bus. I put it on every sub-group bus track that I make, so that it gives me that color and saturation and gluing effect that 1272 has.
    After I bought it, I have always been using it for every pop, rock, indie, and classical section and it always give me satisfaction. Thanks Lindell, and Plugin Alliance.
  • Best channel strip ever?

    by Mirthfulmadness
    The convenience of channel strip plugins is obvious, but often it comes with a compromise. They're quick etc... but you might be able to do better, with stand alone plugins, but this one right here... this Lindell Chanell 80 plugin is just astoundingly good.
    I had been using the SSL and Neve ones a good amount, and while I like those ok, there is a sterile quality or something that I have never bonded with. I recently swapped out nearly all the uses of that with the 80 series on a project I'm working on... and it is such a nice quality it adds... almost, dare I say ... "organic" quality?
    I feel like it adds a very desirable quality to the tracks it's on and helps eliminate a bit of that digital harshness that is such a burden in this medium.
    Well done! I do wish there were more eq bands available, but that's only because it works so well. If they wanted to make a seperate EQ plugin based on the algorithms here, I'd be all for it.
  • Nice sounding plugin

    by Dim Waves
    Being a fan of the Scheps 73 I was very curious to try this one. It does not sound like it but I also like this one. It is great to have a compressor and a gate too. TMT is definitely noticeable, it is a flavour that goes well sometimes and it does not work at all sometimes, but you can take it off if you don't like it, which is good.
  • Outstanding For Specific Styles

    by Anton Doty
    As a primarily R&B/Rap to Folk/Classical engineer, I don't often get a lot of rock projects that come my way that would benefit from that classic Neve tone. Lo and behold one of my clients had a Grunge track they needed mixed, and my Focusrite SC and SSL 4000 weren't cutting it, so I tried out the 80 Series.
    Literally could not have asked for a better fit, from the screaming guitar tones to the gritty vocals and slamming drum parallel compression, this channel strip can literally do IT ALL for rock-y stuff. Thinking I'll start replacing the SSL on drums for more aggressive rap songs because the punch is absolutely bonkers on this thing.
    If you find it on sale and/or have a voucher, buy it immediately. Considering it's a 1084 and 1073 combined in one plugin it's worth the price in full, but also including the 2254 (which IMO is extremely underrated compared to the 33609) it's a deal you can't pass up.
  • Dream come true

    by Love At First Sound
    Love, love, LOVE this thing, 16x oversampling for both main unit and bus plugin. Before rendering a track, turn them all to 16x, hit the TMT, and the low-end bump of a Neve 80 series rivals any company's native version. I use it mainly as a 1073 pre running a little hot and vary the THD depending on material. The bus plugin sits on all sends, even if I'm using the SSL E or Focusrite on the main channel. Having the 2254 comp in there is great, but I don't use it in every instance. Guitar, bass, drums, vox, keys, synths, 808s/909s, dirty, clean, whatever, it's great. Gain or fade it down and use it as a preamp in front of your SSL or Focusrite (my preferred method). If you have both SSL and Focusrite, this is the another great color that no other company offers in a package like this. I copy/pasted the above response to someone on FB who asked if they should get it. I realized I hadn't put in a review for this yet. I would gladly do a commercial for this! I told the engineer of my band's last record about this and the Focusrite. I am a *huge* fan (gush gush). Great work Lindell, Brainworks and PA!