Customer Reviews

  • Lindell 80

    by Ed
    A reluctant 5 stars rating only because the modules arent interchangeable. A gate after a compressor after eq???? Still it sounds amazing. Just hope Lindell will update the plug so I can move stuff around. Also would really like another mid band for the eq.
    I get that the board was setup a certain way, but it's not like you can put a board into a computer so we're already breaking rules.
  • 80 series

    by element4audio
    Like all the Lindell products, it is so professional. The sound is the more real if you compare with any other console emulation. Without doubt you will miss a eq section more versatile, but... the tone is good and compensate that problem. The bad part is the eq section so limited, and that limited the use of this plugin. When you use this, do magic, but if you need others frequencies...
    5 stars, because the sound is very real, like a real hardware, even if the eq section is limited, the tone is outlayer. Really great sound.
  • Wow !!!!

    by Project Noire
    I guess it’s not much to say with this one.A greate plug-in.I love it and use it on every track
    Thank you .
  • 80 Series

    by Gavin Monaghan
    This Plug is a game changer!
    Finally someone gets the Neve sound spot on
    Amazing on drums and everything else you can throw at it!
  • Lindell 80 Series

    by KyleConfer
    This is by far my favorite plugin that I’ve ever used. I’ve been a UAD fanboy since I started mixing, but I recently bought the PA bundle, and I was mixing one of the last songs on the current project I’m working on, and I searched through my 100ish new plugins and saw this guy and gave it a shot. It ended up being the only plugin on every single channel on the mix, and that mix sounds better than any of the other 10 songs I did on this record before I got this plugin.
    I’m actually at a loss for words. The GUI is beautiful. TMT is awesome. The EQ is perfect. I went 1084 on pretty much everything. The compressor is wonderful. Didn’t use the gate for anything, so I can’t comment on that, but this plugin is capable of getting you where you want to go. Promise.
  • Amazing!

    by Maarten
    I use to sum tracks a lot, before going to the main busses and Ive been using this plugin as the first on almost every track, before summing track, with an SSL E on the sum bus and then an 80 series bus channel on my main busses. This opened a whole new world of posibilities, its really amazing! This plugin really brings a good deal of 'spank' in the mix! Its actually a shame I cant use it on my girlfriend, I bet she would have loved it too. :P
  • Lindell Audio 80 Series

    by leslingle
    Just tried this on my mixing project today. The sound was nothing short of total sweetness and utilizing the TMT technology made the mix sound like it was up on the console. I am very impressed!
  • Truly incredible sounding with some of the usual limitations from Lindell.

    by In-Stereo
    Holy crepes, this sounds INCREDIBLE. Like, truly incredible. It's by far my favorite console emulation plugin out there at this well done and so juicy sounding. Wow. Even the gate is amazing.
    I appreciate that we can turn of the noise in this (THANK YOU!) and that we have control with oversampling and lots of other options.
    There are two major limitations with it, however, that keep from a 5-star review:
    1. You can't move the modules around. Having a gate after the compressor, for example, is often very undesirable. Putting the compressor before EQ is something that mixers use all of the time. We need to be able to move the modules around wherever we would like.
    2. The EQ sounds incredible but is somewhat limited because we can't get to frequencies in between the notices, and there is only one parametric band. This plugin would be massively more useful with one more of the exact same parametric band in there and with freely selectable frequencies (not being locked into the old notches).
  • A pleasure to use

    by LouisC
    There are a number of great channel strips out there from all the usual suspects and the ones I own have been a huge pleasure to use in the past. However very few of them of them will see any action in the future. They certainly weren't a waste of money, they were just part of the journey necessary to appreciate what a stunningly good channel strip this is. Coupled with the Bus the choices of what to use, when and where, just got a hell of a lot easier.
  • The Real Deal...

    by Goldenchild / WM
    This has to be the best sounding plugin ever made.. No hype I love my bx console ssl, neve ect.. but this is the real deal. With this plugin I don't feel the need to use any analog hardware. Congrats & thank you to team Lindel, LSR & Plugin Alliance for making this plugin. From this day forward I think we should stop the Analog vs Digital comparisons digital is close enough if not equal. This plugin is a prime example of it. We live in great times, now time to cook-up more Hits & mix the best records possible.