
This is a PA_EXT plugin from an external provider. It will be available via the PA webshop for 96 HOURS ONLY. PA_EXT plugins are NOT part of our subscription bundles (MEGA L, XL, XXL, etc.) They cannot be bought in conjunction with PA Loyalty vouchers.

The reeds in the Pianet T aren't struck, but instead are engaged by NASA-patented pink plastic suction pads that suck on the reeds until they snap loose and begin to vibrate. Small coils, similar to guitar pickups, then convert the vibrations into electrical sound. The intricate sounds produced by these coils comprise numerous sine waves. In the case of the Pianet T model, it occasionally necessitates the computation of over 100 sine waves to craft its distinct sound profile. To ensure optimal performance without overtaxing the CPU, we've integrated an enhanced iteration of the formula pioneered by the seventh-century Indian mathematician BhāskaraⅠ .This fusion of ancient methodologies with cutting-edge twentieth-century NASA techniques is seamlessly integrated into our plugin, resulting in a harmonious marriage of tradition and innovation.


This PA_EXT exclusive deal includes Martinic AX CHORUS absolutely free.
The AX Chorus is based on the ACE modeled MN3009 Bucket Brigade (BBD) chip found in both the AX73 and AX60 synthesizers. We developed our plugin with the chorus 100% the same as the mono input versions found in the original synthesizers and then added the option of making it a stereo effect.

As Akai never released the chorus as a separate effect we envisioned how it could have looked in the 1980s, and have included both the AX73 and AX60 chorus effects in one unit.



Full Features List

  • ACE® modeled electro-mechanical reed piano
  • Physically modeled unplugged sound
  • Electro-mechanical pickup model and unplugged model can be combined
  • 5-octave F-to-E keyboard (60 keys)
  • Fully polyphonic
  • Full velocity range


Advanced Features List

  • 2-channel pickup/unplugged mixer with pan, width, room, and volume
  • Vibrato effect with retrigger, delay, and tempo sync from 16 bars to 1/64 note
  • Harmonic mix for shaping pickup sound
  • Volume pedal, by default linked to MIDI CC#11
  • Pianet N style tremolo effect with retrigger, delay, and tempo sync
  • Digital chorus effect with tempo sync (from Martinic AXFX)
  • Vintage tube guitar amp
  • Classic spring reverb
  • 5 speaker cabinet models
  • Room reverb simulation
  • Vintage or equal temperament (12-TET) tuning
  • Global pitch adjust ±100 cents
  • Mechanical pluck noise level
  • Adjustable reed decay time
  • Extended MIDI note range C1 to C7 (73 notes)
  • Sustain pedal (CC#64) support
  • Pitch Bend ±2 semitones
  • MIDI Program Change support
  • All settings MIDI learnable
  • 32 factory presets

FREE AX Chorus 

  • Accurate emulation of analog BBD chorus
  • Includes two different models: AX73 and AX60
  • Adjustable chorus rate ranging from 0.01 to 20 Hz
  • Optional host tempo sync from 16 bars to 1/64 note
  • Adjustable chorus mix ranging from 0% to 100%
  • Optional 3-band EQ for shaping chorus signal
  • Stereo input and processing
  • Stereo Width adjustment
  • Output volume control
  • Includes 16 presets

Industry Reviews

  • Henry Hey

    Henry Hey

    Keyboard player and songwriter (David Bowie)

    I've always loved my Hohner Pianet T. It has a unique sound that no other electro mechanical keyboard can produce, and that sound features a lot in the new upcoming Forq recording.Now, the new… Read More

  • Laura White

    Laura White

    Recording Artist and Professional Singer-Songwriter (Charles Hamilton & Rita Ora)

    I enjoy using the Pianet T software so much and will be using on many of my future recordings! What a wonderful plug in for musicians to use! The sounds are so experimental too making new song… Read More

  • Danny Yellow

    Danny Yellow

    Keyboard player and Singer-Songwriter

    I am quite a beginner when it comes to plugins, but when we used the Martinic Pianet T in the studio, I could feel that everyone was highly impressed by the quality and realism of this plugin.",… Read More

Customer Reviews


Pianet T is available as an AAX, AU (Audio Units), CLAP (CLever Audio Plugin), or VST2 / VST3 effect plugin, which means it needs to run inside AAX, AU, CLAP, or VST hosting software, e.g. Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Cubase, GarageBand, Logic Pro, REAPER, Studio One, etc.

Although Pianet T should be able to run at any sample rate the host provides, a rate of at least 44.1kHz is recommended.

The plugin is designed to run on Windows 7 or newer as a 32-bit or 64-bit plugin, or Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or newer as a 64-bit plugin.


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