The king of parametric EQs
The PQ Mastering Equalizer is a fully parametric, dual-channel five-band equalizer, based on SPL’s pioneering 120V rail technology. Able to switch between constant and proportional Q modes with the push of a button, this kind of circuit has not yet been achieved in any other analog equalizer.
Designed for precision performance
Each of the five bands of the PQ can be independently activated, deactivated, or switched between Constant Q and Proportional Q modes for even more targeted cuts and boosts. Thanks to the “1/4 Gain Switch”, you can reduce the range of the EQ from +/-20 dB down to +/-5 dB cut or boost to easily perform the small corrections common in mastering. And, with the detented potentiometers, precise settings are easy to dial in.
Now improved with plugin-only features
Brainworx’ familiar “Extra Unit” adds features to this legendary EQ that cannot be found on the original analog units. This retractable module includes Tolerance Modeling Technology, M/S Processing, Mono-Maker, Stereo Width, THD, Auto Listen for all five bands and more, providing everything you need in the modern digital domain.